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2020年05月07日 | 全て, 大学全般, 学生生活


>> English







2. 運動をする








【附録 情報源】
 ●极速体育_篮球比分直播-app下载感染症対策(こころのケア)こころの耳 働く人のメンタルサポート(厚生労働省)
 ●Every Mind Matters (英語:National Health Service, United Kingdom)
 ●Stress and Coping, Coronavirus disease 2019 (英語:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)
 ●Taking Care of Your Emotional Health (英語:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)

 ●東京藝術大学 体育研究室
 ●The 体操 (日本体操協会)

 ●東京都 极速体育_篮球比分直播-app下载感染症対策サイト
 ●极速体育_篮球比分直播-app下载を防ぐには(PDF)(厚生労働省 2月25日版)
 ●人との接触を8割減らす、10のポイント(厚生労働省 4月24日版)
 ●极速体育_篮球比分直播-app下载の集団感染を防ぐために(PDF)(厚生労働省 3月1日版)
 ●ご家族に极速体育_篮球比分直播-app下载感染が疑われる場合 家庭内でご注意いただきたいこと(PDF)(厚生労働省)
 ●Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Pandemic (英語:World Health Organization)
 ●Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19) (英語:Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, USA)
 ●Coronavirus Resource Center (英語:Johns Hopkins University, USA)

Self-care strategies in mental health at the time of the Emergency Declaration

May 7, 2020
Health Care Service Center, Tokyo University of the Arts

To all the students and faculties

The state of emergency for the novel coronavirus pandemic has been expanded to nationwide and extended about a month.
We have been spending extraordinary days; worrying about infection, feeling uneasy to stay home, and being anxious about the future. The following is the tips to maintain your mental and physical health in good condition.
Please make your own healthy and fulfilling life with taking our advice. (It is recommended to read our article on the university website and to remind the appropriate actions for preventing viral infection.)



  1. It is essential to recognize that everybody may feel a wide range of anxiety and nervousness in this unusual situation.
    You may acknowledge your own feeling. No need to blame yourself.
  2. Our physical health has a big impact on how we feel. It is more important than ever to take proactive steps to maintain your daily routine with adequate physical exercise.
  3. Take breaks and make adequate time for refreshing.
  4. Connect with others. Talk with people you trust.
  5. Consciously limit the time to access to media to prevent receiving flood of information. Select only reliable and latest resources.

Common psychological reactions in various restrictions:

  • Being oversensitive to your health and fearful about your future
  • Feeling anger and fear caused by restriction of actions in daily life
  • Feeling isolated and lonely because of limited social communication.
  • Having a sense of discrimination or social stigma to other people. (It is not a person but virus to be avoided or refused)
  • Feeling guilty about yourself being distressed as described above.

It is essential to be aware of your feeling as a natural reaction and to accept your emotion as it is.
You are not the only person who is confused or distressed under current circumstances.

Tips for Self-management

  1. Set up a routine for yourself.
  • Get up at the same time every day. (A regular wake time is the most important input for stabilizing your body clock)
  • Have a breakfast.
  • Sunbathe for 15 minutes in the early morning. If you can’t go outside, try to spend at least 2 hours in the morning next to a window, looking into the daylight.
  • Avoid naps during daylight hours. If you must nap, restrict them to 20 minutes without lie-down (staying out of bed). If you feel too tired to stay awake, you may allow yourself to take a nap just for 90 minutes before 4 pm in the afternoon.
  • Set times for a few regular activities each day such as doing assigned tasks, preparing lectures, making artworks, playing music, studying subjects, doing physical exercise, or cooking. Do these activities at the same time each day.
  • Avoid bright light such as computer screens or smart phones late in the evening
  • If you stay awake, stay out of the bed until you become sleepy.
  1. Exercise

Practicing physical exercises have positive effects on your mood and sleeping. It is advisable to do it late in the afternoon.
If it is not your daily routine, try to start it just for five minutes and extend the time gradually.

  1. Do not neglect your meals. Take proper diet.

Refreshing and Relaxation
If you have missed any of your routine, fix it again.
Recall what you had been eager to do in your childhood. Such activity might be one of the options to adjust you.

The fundamental of relaxation is breathing.

The basic method of breathing to calm your emotion is:

  • Diaphragmatic breathing (“abdominal breathing” or “belly breathing”) 
    Pay attention to ‘Tanden’ (a spot approx. 9 cm below the navel).
  • Exhale (breath out) long enough.
  • Breathe slowly: for example, breathe ‘out’ for 6 seconds and ‘in’ for 4 seconds. It’s not necessary to take your deepest breath.

Playing Games on computer or smartphone are not recommended. Even if you would enjoy the games, fix a time limit in advance and choose something requires you using intelligence / brain.

Maintain social interactions

During social distancing, social interactions where you share thoughts and feelings with another person in real time are useful. As far as you communicate with your reliable persons, videoconferencing, telephone or even real-time text-messaging (i.e. LINE) is preferred to scrolling through messages.

Needs of communication differs from person to person. Choose the method that suits you best.

From the view point of keeping the healthy operation of the university, it is recommended to set the schedule of online meetings of your group regularly: it is good for member’s mental health to share information about the projects’ objective, progress, and engaged tasks of the each member.

Stay informed. However, minimize watching, reading or listening to news. Access only reliable latest resources to get update information of the epidemic. (Reliable information sources are listed in below and on the university website)

Information is flooding all over the world and not all are trustworthy. Some of them intensify feeling of fear and generate discrimination or social stigma among people. Staying yourself glued to access to the flood of information makes you feel ‘restraint stress on the media’.

Trying to limit the time of your access to media and to select the latest and reliable sources helps you take rational actions against the risk.

Japanese language is euphemistic in its nature and works without subject and/or object.? Please be careful when reading the articles written in Japanese, and if you use multiple languages, or you are motivated to learn foreign languages, it is good idea to check the articles written in foreign languages published by the public authorities or academic organization, such as World Health Organization or John’s Hopkins University (USA).

Appendix: resources

[Mental Health]

[Physical Excercises]

[General about the novel coronavirus (COVID19)]? ?

[Prevention, Responsive Action]