東京藝術大学 東京藝術大学入試情報サイト SDGs 共創の場 藝大アートプラザ 東京藝大クラウドファンディング 藝大レーベル / GEIDAI LABEL supported by Warner Music Japan グローバル 藝大フレンズ 早期教育 東京藝術大学ジュニア?アカデミ


2022年11月11日 | 全て, 大学全般, 学生生活

この度、极速体育_篮球比分直播-app下载4年度に開館される国際交流棟(Hisao&Hiroko TAKI PLAZA)に設置するパブリックアートの一つとして、東京藝術大学で学んだ多くの留学生のデザインが陶板になり、階段ホールの壁面を飾ることとなりました。皆さんの作品が本校に何十年先も残る作品となります。



Email: fujita.kurea[at]fa.geidai.ac.jp


Along with the opening of the International Exchange Hall?(Hisao&Hiroko TAKI PLAZA), the University has decided to fill the walls of the hall with ceramic reliefs designed by pre and current international students who have studied in TUA.
Your designs will be made into ceramic tiles and will be displayed permanently.
As the?third term we are still looking for even more designs from not only international students, but also Japanese students who have studied abroad. We would like as many students as possible to participate in this project and thus decided to call for even more entries.
The International Exchange Hall?(Hisao&Hiroko TAKI PLAZA) will be opened?in mid December and the designs that were submitted for the first term will be displayed on the wall. The second term designs are?planned to be displayed on the wall in summer 2023.

Eligibility: International students, (including research students), and Japanese students who have studied abroad
Design submission deadline:January 30th 2023
Click here for Submission:?https://forms.gle/fv2sqvuEQ1hwrNDT7
*For more information please check the PDF file below↓

【Questions / Contact】
Please ask questions via the following google form
*If you have difficulties accessing google form, please ask from the following email address.
Email: fujita.kurea[at]fa.geidai.ac.jp

>> PDF(日本語)

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